Bad Rhino is the result of brilliant minds and creative talent from within the gaming industry working together to solve complex problems and make beautiful things. We’re an independent, Authorized Unreal Engine Partner Studio headquartered in the Kansas City, KS and distributed around the world.

Wayfinder is the latest installment from the award-winning studio Airship Syndicate. Bad Rhino partnered with Airship Syndicate & Digital Extremes to provided development support in Engineering, Design, Characters, Environment & World Building, Content Creation, Unreal Engine Optimizations, Tech Art, & Porting.

Spellbreak is a multiplayer action-spellcasting game where you unleash your inner battlemage. Master elemental magic to fit your playstyle and cast powerful spell combinations to dominate other players across the Hollow Lands. Bad Rhino provided support in Art, Content Creation, Characters & Animation.

Predator: Hunting Grounds is an immersive asymmetrical shooter set in the jungles of South America, where the Predator stalks the most challenging prey. Play as a member of an elite Fireteam and complete paramilitary operations before the Predator finds you. Or, play as the Predator to hunt the most worthy prey, choosing from an array of deadly alien tech to collect your trophies, one by one.

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